Vacancy for a research assistant starting at 1.1.2020 at the Geographic Institut, Faculty for Chemistry and Geosciences, University Heidelberg. Application until 31.10.2019 Further information:$.startup?MODUL=LS&M1=1&M2=0&M3=0&PRO=27867
Read MorePhD position at the University of Gießen (50% TV-H for 3 years)
The Department of Geography at the Justus-Liebig University in Giessen / Germany, metropolitan region of Frankfurt / Main invites applications for a PhD position in Landscape Evolution modeling – LEM. The Giessen working group is dealing with earth surface processes at different temporal and spatial scales, among others with Holocene soil erosion of mesoscale river catchments. Causes for soil erosion – triggered by climate or human activities – are investigated and the spatio-temporal pattern of soil erosion and its sediments…
Read MoreQuaternaire12, Paris, 3-5 February 2020 (Abstract submission deadline 15.10.2019)
During the International Q12 meeting, the LGP (Laboratory of Physical Geography), in collaboration with the AFEQ-CNF INQUA (French Association for the Quaternary Study), will welcome in Paris – Aubervilliers, from 3 rd to 5 th February 2020, the community of the Quaternary scientists working on interactions between climates, environments, biological communities and humans. The Laboratory of Physical Geography (UMR 8591, Meudon) is organising, from 3 rd to 5 th February 2020, the 12th International conference on Quaternary in Paris-Aubervilliers under…
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