The German Young Geomorphologists (Die Jungen Geomorphologen) are a sub-section of the German Society for Geomorphology. We are students, post-grads, and post-docs that are interested and/or engaged in geomorphologic research and related topics (e.g. geoarchaeology, geochronology, (palaeo)environmental research etc). Our goals are:
- to create networking opportunities for early career scientists,
- to provide a platform to discuss current issues of geomorphological research,
- to provide an opportunity to present and discuss your projects, and
- to present and represent the depth of the geomorphologic research in Germany,
- to promote exchange and networking with international groups of young scientists.
We focus on providing a networking platform enabling early career scientists to communicate their ideas with likeminded people from different universities and research institutions. Additionally, we provide opportunities for students and early career scientists to present and discuss their projects and ideas, current developments in geomorphological research, and (new) techniques applied in field, laboratory and computer based research.
To support networking an annual Symposium of the Young Geomorphologists is held at varying locations throughout Germany. During this meeting members are encouraged to present their research projects and external speakers are invited for keynote-presentations on their respective fields of research. Besides arranging tutorials on various innovative methods, participants first and foremost shall be given an opportunity of benefitting from a cooperative exchange of ideas. The meetings provide a platform for open discussions on a wide range of problems that might have emerged within a particular research project.
The Young Geomorphologists are currently represented by Bastian Grimm (Giessen University) on the board of the German Society for Geomorphology. He is actively supported by the rest of the board, which currently consists of Lars Engelmann (Trier University), Philipp Garbe (Würzburg University), Lingxiao Gong (Potsdam University), Katharina Heß (Heidelberg University), Laura Kögler (Giessen University), Linda Maßon (Cologne University), Salome Oehler (Lausanne University), Lisa Rehn (Freiburg University), Andreas Ruby (GFZ Potsdam), Jannik Schönfeld (Würzburg University), Isabel Wapenhans (Potsdam University) and Dennis Wolf (RWTH Aachen). If you have any questions about our activities or would like to get involved with us, please contact us!