Annual meetings

Seit 2007 organisieren die Jungen Geomorphologen jährliche Treffen an wechselnden Veranstaltungsorten in Deutschland. Die Präsentation der Forschungsarbeiten der Teilnehmer in Vorträgen und Postern, sowie Keynotevorträge und Workshops gehören zu den wichtigsten Bestandteilen dieser Treffen. Zudem bieten wir jedes Jahr eine halbtägige Exkursion an und reservieren ausreichend Zeit für informelle und offene Diskussionen. Seit einigen Jahren bemühen wir uns den Kontakt zu internationalen Gruppen junger Geomorphologen zu intensivieren und haben 2014 unser erstes internationales Treffen erfolgreich ausgerichtet.

15th International Workshop of Young Geomorphologists, 24-25 June 2021


The German Young Geomorphologists (YG) conducted the 15th International Young Geomorphologists’ meeting in VIRTsburg Castle (powered by from June 24-25, 2021. 56 German and international guests from Austria, Switzerland, India and other countries gathered online for two days due to the Covid-19 pandemic. The list of attendees comprised undergraduate, graduate and PhD students as well as postdocs from a lot of different universities and institutions. The focus was for attendees to present and discuss their own research and general geomorphological topics in a rather informal and friendly environment. Also, we wanted to uphold the tradition of having annual meetings despite the pandemic situation.

14th International Workshop of Young Geomorphologists, 29-30 October 2020


This year, the annual meeting of the German Young Geomorphologists (YG) went into the virtual space. Two days of online meeting hosted a group of 65 German and international guests from undergraduate, graduate, PhD students as well as postdocs from more than 30 different institutions located in 12 different countries. The number of international YG’s was higher than in previous years. All participants contributed to an inspiring diverse program of scientific contributions on various geomorphological topics. Furthermore, reports from other young geomorphologists groups around the world emphasized the importance of internationalization of early-career scientists. The focus was two-fold: on the one hand, we focussed on presentation and discussion of own research in the form of normal talks or spotlight talks and, on the other hand, we addressed social aspects in academia by our keynote on Thursday evening and a new crowd-solving session on Friday morning.

13th International Workshop of Young Geomorphologists, 17-19 May 2019


The German Young Geomorphologists (YG) held the 13th International Young Geomorphologists’ Meeting close to Gießen from May 17-19, 2019. A group of 59 German and international guests from Undergraduate, graduate, PhD students as well as postdocs from 23 different institutions and universities contributed to an inspiring diverse program of scientific contributions on various geomorphological topics. The focus was to present and discuss own research and general geomorphological topics in a rather informal and friendly environment.


12th International Workshop of Young Geomorphologists, 25-27 May 2018


The German Young Geomorphologists (YG) conducted the 12th International Young Geomorphologists’ meeting in Stadtoldendorf from May 25-27, 2018. 49 German and international guests from Austria, Italy, Slovakia, India and Switzerland gathered close to Hildesheim for a three-day meeting. The list of attendees comprised undergraduate, graduate and PhD students as well as postdocs from 20 different universities and institutions. The focus was to present and discuss own research and general geomorphological topics in a rather informal and friendly environment.

11th International Workshop of Young Geomorphologists, 19-21 May 2017

(Report_2017Program_2017, Story map of the field trip)

The German Young Geomorphologists (YG) conducted the 11th  International Young Geomorphologists’ Workshop at the Ammersee from May 19-21, 2017. 57 German and international guests from Austria, Italy, Poland, and Switzerland gathered close to Herrsching for a three-day workshop. The list of attendees comprised undergraduate, graduate and PhD students as well as postdocs from 21 different universities and institutions. The focus was to present and discuss own research and general geomorphological topics in a rather informal and friendly environment.

10th International Workshop of Young Geomorphologists, 27.-29. May 2016


The 10th International Young Geomorphologists’ Workshop, organized by the German Young Geomorphologists (YG) was held from May 27-29, 2015 in Werbellinsee, northeast of Berlin. It was the third time after 2014 that international participants were explicitly invited. In total, 45 undergraduate, graduate, PhD students, and postdocs from 17 different Institutions and Universities (and 3 countries, including , Austria and Germany) came together for a three-day workshop to discuss their own research, as well as topics of geomorphologic interest in general, in a rather informal environment.

After a casual introduction of the participants this year’s program started in the evening (19:30 – 21:30) with a Keynote lecture on “The Geophysics and Geochemistry of Geomorphology: why surface processes matter in the big picture, and how we use scary tools to learn about them”, presented by Prof. Niels Hovius (GFZ Potsdam). Following this and a “Late-Night” poster session (22:00 – 23:30) with accompanying 30 seconds introductory talks from all presenters (see attached program for further details). Even though it was already late at night, the poster session was a great success and participants kept on discussing until midnight.

9th International Workshop of Young Geomorphologists, 8.-10. May 2015

(Report_and_Program_2015) (Blog entry in the BSG Postgraduate Forum)

The 9th annual meeting of the German Young Geomorphologists (YG) was held from the 8th until the 10th of May 2015 in Heimbach-Hergarten in the vicinity of the Eifel Nationalpark, southeast of Aachen. It was the second time after 2014 that international participants were explicitly invited. In total, 41 undergraduate, graduate, PhD students, and postdocs from 16 different Institutions and Universities (and 5 countries, including UK, Australia, Belgium, Austria and Germany) came together for a three-day workshop to discuss their own research, as well as topics of geomorphologic interest in general, in a rather informal environment.After a casual introduction of the participants this year’s program started with a “Late-Night” poster session and accompanying 3 min. introductionary talks from all presenters (see attached program for further details). On Saturday morning, Prof. Sean Willet from ETH Zurich gave a “Wake-up lecture” entitled “River network response to tectonic forcing” which was followed by a Keynote talk given by Prof. Frank Lehmkuhl from RWTH Aachen about “Geomorphology: Processes and landscape evolution for geoecology, hydrology and geoarcheology. Examples from the Eifel Mountains towards the lower Rhine Embayment, Western Germany”.

8th International Workshop of Young Geomorphologists, 23.-25. May 2014

(Program2014) (Report2014)

For the 8th annual meeting of the Jungen Geomorphologen we were gathering on the island of Usedom, on the coast of the Baltic Sea. For the first time the meeting was held in English in order to open it for the international community of young geomorphologists. We were very glad to have participants from France, the USA and South Africa joining for the meeting. In total, we had 41 undergrads, PhD Students, and PostDocs from 14 different Institutions/Universities gathered for three days to discuss their own research, as well as topics of geomorphic interest in general, in a rather informal environment. For the first time we sucessfully organized an evening poster session, in order to allow more participants to present and discuss their work. The program was completed by three presentations from invited speakers:

7. Arbeitstreffen, 4.-6. October 2013

(Program2013) (Report2013) (Foto2013) (Foto2013)

The 7th annual meeting of the German Young Geomorpholgists group (YG) was held in Fleckl (Warmensteinach, Fichtel Mountains, Bavaria). This year, 24 Undergrads, PhD Students, and PostDocs from 13 different Institutions/Universities gathered for three days to discuss their own research, as well as topics of geomorphic interest in general, in a rather informal environment. In addition to the presentations and discussions indoor, a hands-on workshop on the use of terrestrial laser scanning (TLS) in geomorphology was held, where participants could familiarize with the methodology and equipment of this approach, and discuss geomorphological applications. An afternoon field trip was organized on Saturday, during which geomorphological aspects of the Fichtel Mountains, their land-use and mining history were introduced by Mathias Will (Uni Exeter).

6. Arbeitstreffen, 14.-16.10.2012

(Programm2012) (Bericht2012) (Foto2012)

Das sechste Arbeitstreffen der Jungen Geomorphologen fand 2012 in Aicha (Eichstätt) statt. Eine Vorexkursion (geleitet von Peter Fischer, Eichstätt) führte in den Donau-Auwald. Das Arbeitstreffen thematisierte mit Keynote-Vorträgen Landscape Evolution Modelling (Wolfgang Schwanghart, Potsdam) und Robuste Auswertung multivariater Daten (Elisabeth Dietze, Potsdam). Die Fachvortragsblöcke umrissen die Themen “Sedimentflüsse und Landschaftsdynamik” sowie “Angewandte Geomorphologie”. Drei Workshops, u.a. von Stuart Lane (Lausanne) zum Thema “Authorship as a young geomorphologist” (pdf), füllten die drei Tage des Arbeitstreffens reichhaltig. Die bisherigen Sprecher, Sabine Kraushaar (Leipzig) und Michael Dietze (Dresden), wurden bestätigt.

  • Keynote-Vortrag von W. Schwanghart
  • Keynote-Vortrag von E. Dietze

5. Arbeitstreffen, 01.-03.10.2011

(Programm2011) (Bericht2011)

Das fünfte Arbeitstreffen der Jungen Geomorphologen fand 2011 in Freienorla (Jena) statt. Entsprechend der Thematik der AK-Tagung behandelten die Keynote-Vorträge periglaziale Hangsedimente und den Wert von Böden und Sedimenten als Umweltarchiv. Ein weiterer Keynote-vortrag behandelte die Wissenschaftsförderung in Deutschland. Die Wanderung führte durch den Thüringischen Muschelkalk und Buntsandstein. Als neue Sprecher wurden Sabine Kraushaar und Michael Dietze gewählt.

4. Arbeitstreffen, 23.-25.04. 2010

(Programm2010) (Bericht2010)

Das vierte Arbeitstreffen der Jungen Geomorphologen fand 2010 in Wilhelmsaue (Oderbruch) statt. Keynote-Vorträge und Diskussionen u.a. zu Forschungsanträgen und Förderungsmöglichkeiten bildeten den fachlichen Kern. Die Wanderung führte durch die Brandenburger Jungmoränenlandschaft. Die bisherigen Sprecher, Michael Krautblatter und Wolfgang Schwanghart, wurden bestätigt.

3. Arbeitstreffen, 04.-06.04. 2009


Das dritte Arbeitstreffen der Jungen Geomorphologen fand 2009 in Herrischried (Südschwarzwald) statt. Die projektbezogenen Vorträge waren meist Werkstattberichte und ermöglichten methodische und inhaltliche Diskussionen. Der Themenschwerpunkt des Treffens hatte den Titel: Alleskönner Geomorphologen? Beiträge der Geomorphologie zu interdisziplinärer Forschung. Außerdem wurden übergeordnete Diskussionsrunden eingerichtet. Als neue Sprecher wurden Michael Krautblatter und Wolfgang Schwanghart gewählt.

2. Arbeitstreffen, 05.-06.04 2008

(Programm2008) (Bericht2008)

Das zweite Arbeitstreffen der Jungen Geomorphologen fand 2008 in Schwrizheim (Eifel) statt. Neben den projektbezogenen Vorträgen stand die Theorie Komplexer Systeme im Fokus und inwiefern sich diese Ansätze als wissenschaftstheoretischer Rahmen in wissenschaftliche Arbeiten integrieren lassen kann. Während des Treffens wurde das aktuelle Logo und der Name selbst entwickelt. Thomas Hoffmann als kommissarischer Sprecher der Jungen Geomorphologen gewählt. Die Wanderung unter Führung von Manuel Seeger führte zum Meerfelder Maar.

1. Arbeitstreffen, 29.04.-02.05.2007


Das erste Arbeitstreffen der Jungen Geomorphologen fand 2007 in Wartaweil (Ammersee, Bayern) statt.